Xov Xwm Tuam Txhab
Cov khoom qab zib puas yuav tawm hauv lub ntsuas hlau?
Khoom qab zib nws tus kheej feem ntau yuav tsis tawm mus rau hauv lub tshuab kuaj hlau, vim tias cov khoom siv hlau yog tsim los xyuas cov khoom siv hlau, tsis yog khoom noj khoom haus. Txawm li cas los xij, muaj qee yam uas tuaj yeem ua rau cov khoom qab zib ua rau lub ntsuas hlau nyob hauv qab s ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Cov khoom siv hlau puas ntes cov khoom noj txom ncauj?
Cov khoom noj txom ncauj, qhov kev xaiv nrov ntawm cov neeg siv khoom, tau txais kev ntsuas kev nyab xeeb nruj ua ntej mus txog cov khoom txee. Cov khoom siv hlau ua lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv cov txheej txheem no, ua haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv kev tswj xyuas khoom noj txom ncauj kom zoo. Metal detectors muaj txiaj ntsig zoo hauv kev txheeb xyuas cov hlau co...Nyeem ntxiv -
Techik Empowers Cov Nqaij Kev Lag Luam Exhibition: Igniting Sparks of Innovation
2023 Tuam Tshoj International Meat Industry Exhibition tsom rau cov khoom noj tshiab, cov khoom siv nqaij, cov khoom noj khov, cov zaub mov ua ntej, cov khoom siv nqaij sib sib zog nqus, thiab cov khoom noj txom ncauj. Nws tau nyiam kaum tawm txhiab tus neeg tuaj koom kev tshaj lij thiab yog qhov tsis muaj qhov tsis ntseeg siab ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Grand Inauguration ntawm Tshiab Manufacturing thiab R & D Base nyob rau hauv Hefei
Lub Yim Hli 8, 2023 tau cim lub sijhawm keeb kwm tseem ceeb rau Techik. Qhov loj tshaj plaws inauguration ntawm lub tshiab manufacturing thiab R & D puag nyob rau hauv Hefei qhia ib tug muaj zog boost rau kev tsim muaj peev xwm ntawm Techik cov ntse sorting thiab kev ruaj ntseg cov khoom. Nws tseem pleev xim rau bri...Nyeem ntxiv -
Techik Tau Txais Lub Nroog-Level Enterprise Technology Center Status- Shanghai's Pioneering Step Towards Technological Innovation
Nyob rau hauv ib qho tseem ceeb stride mus rau kev siv lub innovation-tsav kev loj hlob lub tswv yim, Shanghai tseem ntxiv dag zog rau lub hauv paus luag hauj lwm ntawm technology innovation nyob rau hauv cov lag luam. Hais txog kev txhawb nqa thiab kev txhawb nqa rau kev tsim cov chaw lag luam thev naus laus zis, Shanghai Economic thiab ...Nyeem ntxiv -
"Smart Vision Supercomputing" Intelligent Algorithm Assits Techik Inspection thiab Sorting Equipment kom tau txais kev ua tau zoo dua
Txhawm rau txhim kho cov thev naus laus zis tshiab thiab cov haujlwm tshiab, Shanghai Techik txuas ntxiv txhawb kev tshawb fawb thiab kev tsim kho, thiab ua kom muaj ntau yam kev sim los muab kev daws teeb meem rau kev lag luam nyuaj. Shanghai Techik's new-generation "Smart Vision Supercomputing" i...Nyeem ntxiv -
Shanghai Techik tuaj koom HCCE Exhibition, Muab Hotel Catering nrog Kev Tshuaj Xyuas Zoo los ntawm Qhov Chaw
Thaum Lub Rau Hli 23-25, Shanghai International Hospitality Supplies & Catering Industry Exhibition 2021 tau tuav hauv Shanghai World Trade Exhibition Hall. Shanghai Techik koom nyob rau hauv lub exhibition raws li tau teem tseg, thiab tso saib lub txawv teb chaws lub cev sorting thiab ntes cov cuab yeej thiab kev daws teeb meem tailor ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Package Sealing Solution: Intelligent X-ray Inspection System rau Roj Leakage thiab Khoom Siv Pinched hauv Hnab Qhov ncauj
Lax sealing thiab cov khoom siv pinched hauv lub hnab lub qhov ncauj yog thawj zaug ntawm ntau cov kab mob tawv ncauj hauv kev ua cov khoom noj txom ncauj, uas tuaj yeem ua rau cov khoom "tawg roj", thiab tom qab ntawd ntws mus rau hauv cov kab ntau lawm los tsim cov pa phem thiab ua rau lub sijhawm luv. zaub mov deterioration. Tawg...Nyeem ntxiv -
Pab cov khoom siv hmoov rau hauv Impurity Era, Shanghai Techik Equipment Stunned FIC2021
Thaum Lub Rau Hli 8-10, 2021, 24th China International Food Additives and Ingredients Exhibition (FIC2021) tau tuav ntawm Hongqiao National Convention thiab Exhibition Center hauv Shanghai. Raws li ib qho ntawm cov vanes ntawm cov khoom noj additives thiab cov khoom xyaw kev lag luam, FIC exhibition tsis tsuas yog nthuav tawm cov kev tshawb fawb tshiab ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Tshiab High-tech Kev Tshawb Fawb thiab Kev Txhim Kho | Intelligent X-ray Inspection rau roj leakage los ntawm Lax Sealing thiab ntim nrog cov khoom hauv Sealing Qhov ncauj
Tshiab High-tech Kev Tshawb Fawb thiab Kev Txhim Kho | Kev Tshawb Fawb X-ray Kev Tshawb Fawb Txog Cov Roj Leakage Los ntawm Lax Sealing thiab ntim nrog cov khoom hauv Sealing Qhov ncauj Qhov tshwm sim ntawm lax sealing thiab ntim nrog cov khoom hauv lub qhov ncauj sealing yog cov kab mob loj tshaj plaws hauv kev ua noj ua haus, uas ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Txhua yam khoom ntawm Shanghai Techik Boost Baking Industry's Fast Development nyob rau hauv Internal & Outer Economic Cycle
Los ntawm lub Plaub Hlis 27 txog 30, 2021, 23rd Tuam Tshoj International Baking Exhibition tau muaj nyob rau hauv Shanghai Pudong Tshiab International Convention thiab Exhibition Center, qhov chaw Shanghai Techik coj nws cov khoom tiam tshiab los qhia cov neeg siv khoom thiab cov neeg tuaj xyuas nws lub zog ua lag luam. Qhov no exhibition cov ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Ntiv tes! Peanut rod, yas, iav, strapping, luam yeeb taub qab, khoob peanut plhaub, germinated txiv laum huab xeeb, txhua yam tuaj yeem kuaj tau los ntawm Techik X-Ray Inspection System
Tsis ntev los no, Shanghai Techik tau pib Intelligent X-Ray Inspection System rau Bulk Products (tom qab no hu ua Intelligent X-Ray Inspection Machine), uas txhim kho cov ntse algorithm. Lub X-Ray Kev Tshawb Fawb Tshuab tau kho dua tshiab qhia tau tias nws muaj zog txawv teb chaws lub cev txheeb xyuas lub peev xwm, ...Nyeem ntxiv