Industry Introduction
The bakery industry usually refers to the grain-based food industry. Grain-based foods may include breads, cakes, biscuits, pies, pastries, baked pet treats, and similar foods.
Raw Material Inspection
Metal Detector: Techik gravity fall metal detector is suitable for powder, granule or other forms of bulk material detection such as detection for flour, flavor, nuts before processing.
In-line Inspection in Processing Procedure
Metal Detector: Techik has a wide range of conveyor metal detector with different tunnel sizes for detecting the metal contaminants inside the loose products before package. For biscuit, metal detector with unique design of pneumatic retracting band rejector and roller connection can prevent the products from being disordered.
Finished Product Inspection
Metal Detector: Techik conveyor metal detector can be used for detecting metal contaminants in non-metallic packages. Wide range of tunnel sizes is available for small and big packages.
X-ray: Techik X-ray inspection machines can be used to check metal contaminants, ceramic, glass, stone and other high density contaminants inside the package. Small tunnel X-ray can be used for aluminum pouch and small box packed products. Wide tunnel X-ray is also available for carton packed products. Different rejector systems are available for different kinds of packages.
Checkweigher: Techik in-line checkweigher has high stability, high speed and high accuracy. It can be used to check whether the products have qualified weight. Over weight and under weight products will be ejected to different places by two rejectors. Small model checkweigher for pouch, box packed products. Big model for carton packed products to prevent the missing of products.
Metal Detector:
Small Tunnel Conveyor Metal Detector
Gravity Fall Metal Detector
Big Tunnel Conveyor Metal Detector
Biscuit Metal Detector
Standard X-ray
Compact Economical X-ray
X-ray for Big Package
Multi-Sorting Checkweigher
Checkweigher for Big Package
Post time: Apr-14-2020